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Gtplot and Xtplot Constantly crashing


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Hi, not sure if anyone else is suffering from this but Gtplot and Xtplot crash when starting up from within React and X1t. The plot files are not always very big and it seems to be fine after a re-boot for a while but usually on the 2nd run of GWB programs post re-boot the plot programs crash when I try to plot anything, even previously plotted files.

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Hello Dirk,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Can you provide an input file so we can investigate further? Also, what version of the GWB are you running? You can find it by going to the the About dialog under the Help menu on any of the GWB apps.

Best regards,
Jia Wang

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Hi Jia, it 12.0.7 GWB Professional. I have attached the plot file and thermo database (I think this is needed for the plot?). I can open it on my other computer no problem so am wondering if it is not something I can fix by re-installing? I did not include the React input file because it uses a modified thermo database and a bunch of script files for kinetics based reactions and that just ends up being too much information...

React_plot.gtp thermo.com.V8.R6+CO2SO2.txt

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Hello Dirk,

Thank you for providing the plot file and your text file. I was able to open the file on 12.07 without any issues. If you're able to open the plot file after the first run but not the second, then I suspect it's the plot configuration file (with the extension .gtc) that's causing the issue. Can you try moving the plot file into a new folder and then try double-clicking to open it? If this does help, please send us the .gtc file and we can further troubleshoot this issue. 

Hope this helps,
Jia Wang 

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