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Kinetic Rate Law Script


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After some playing around, including the suggestion you had about keeping the reaction script simple at the start, I got a script to work. It turns out that the script only applies to the rate equation. Unlike the command mode or the input script, it cannot contain any values for the constants. The rate constant, surface area, etc must either be added in the input script or manually.



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After some playing around, including the suggestion you had about keeping the reaction script simple at the start, I got a script to work. It turns out that the script only applies to the rate equation. Unlike the command mode or the input script, it cannot contain any values for the constants. The rate constant, surface area, etc must either be added in the input script or manually.




Hi Denis:


Glad to hear it. For a list of parameters, functions and BASIC syntex available via custom kinetics refer to pages 54-58 in the v8 Reaction Modeling Guide.


Happy modeling,



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