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Where can I find element Antimony (Sb) in Act2 for ph-Eh diagram?

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Hello Eden,

Act2 draws its species, minerals, and gases from the thermodynamic dataset loaded in the run. You can view the thermodynamic dataset loaded by going to File -> View -> open the file that ends in .tdat (or .dat for really old datasets). thermo.tdat is the default dataset used in The GWB apps and does not contain Antimony. You can add in Antimony and the desired reactions to create a customized thermo dataset tailored for your needs. Here is a similar thread which discusses how to do so. 

Hope this helps,
Jia Wang
Aqueous Solutions LLC

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Hi Jia, thank you so much for your reply. After switching the dataset I was able to look for Sb species. I also checked the old thread you provided and it helped a lot! However I am encountering the same issue that was in the old thread where "Reaction for H2(g) is missing; can not plot water limit" message pop up when I use thermo.minteq dataset to create Eh-pH graph. I tried to follow the solution in the original thread which is to add H2 to a copy of the minteq database. I tried couple of times but it was not working for me, would it be possible for you to describe how to add H2 to the database?


Thank you so much!

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Hello Eden,

You're welcome. The reaction for H2(g) is written in terms of H2(aq) in thermo.tdat. Since H2(aq) is not defined in thermo_minteq.tdat, you would need to also copy over this reaction. You can either first copy over the entry H2(aq), or if you like, hold down the Ctrl key when selecting entries in thermo.tdat and select both H2(aq) and H2(g) to copy at the same time and then paste in thermo_minteq.tdat. To copy an entry in TEdit, you can right click on the entry on the tree structure in the left hand side panel and select copy or left click on the entry in the tree structure --> 'Edit' tab on the menu bar --> copy. In the dataset you want to paste the entry, go to Edit --> Paste. You can see an example of copying and pasting on our Thermodynamic dataset editor webpage. 

Hope this helps,

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