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I have a question about the databases, which uses the Pitzer equation.

I would like to model a geothermal reinjection. The reservoir rock is sandstone, which interacts with fluid flowing. The fluid has high total dissolved solids, and the temperature in the bottom of the well is approximately 95 °C. The components of the sandstone are mainly quartz and feldspar, and a little amount of clay minerals.

I should use a database, which is based on the Pitzer equation, and I took a look the thermo_hmw and the thermo_phrqpitz databases, but these databases does not contain the minerals, that I need (quartz, feldspars, clay minerals). I found the thermo_ymp database, which contains the minerals and basis species, that I need for the modeling. My question is that is it possible to use this database to examine the precipitation and dissolution during the geothermal reinjection? Is this database use the Pitzer equation?

Thank you for your answer!


Hi Zsófia,

Thermo_ymp.R2.tdat uses the hmw formalism of the Pitzer equations, just like thermo_hmw.tdat and thermo_phrqpitz.tdat. Thermo_ymp.R2.tdat has some provision for working at elevated temperatures, and is designed to work at high ionic strength, so it could potentially work well for your application. Before using it, though, I recommend that you study the documentation to ensure you're working within the valid range of temperature and ionic strength. Please see 2.3 Thermodynamic datasets in the GWB Essentials Guide, as well as references cited in the dataset, for more information.

For future reference, please post new topics to the front page of the forum. The archive is for older posts. It's easy to miss new questions that are added there.

Hope this helps, 

Brian Farrell
Aqueous Solutions LLC

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