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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Xtplot crashing when trying to plot a model


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Hi, Xtplot keeps crashing when I try to plot a model that I just ran, doesn't matter how you try to start it, from the Run Complete window, from the file folder or from the GWB start up. Anyone else have this problem? It is a largish file, 19.5 Mb but that should not be a problem I would think. Even plots files that I could previously view do not open.

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Hi Dirk,

It sounds like there might be a problem with your configuration file(s). Can you try creating a new folder (for example, make a GWB test folder on the desktop) and set that to be the working directory in X1t (File --> Working Directory --> select the new folder you just created), rerun your model, then see if you can open Xtplot. Alternatively, you can search for the config file(s) in your current working directory (.xtc extensions for Xtplot config files) and delete them, then rerun your model and try to plot. If that doesn't help, can you please attach a screen shot of the error message you receive when you try to plot? This will help us better assist you.

Best regards,

Jia Wang

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