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Is there a Python command included in the Python wrapper to create plot-formatted datasets? Something similar to ChemPlugin's PlotHeader and PlotBlock functions?




Hello Erik,

I am afraid I might not be understanding your question completely. Are you working with the GWB Plugin? If so, you should be outputting a plot file (e.g. .gtp) from the runs called in your script by the GWB apps. For examples of this, please try running GWBplugin_Python_example1.py and GWBplugin_Python_example2.py in the GWB src folder. The corresponding .gtp plot file should appear in your working directory. You can edit the name of the output plot file by using the suffix command (see GWB Command Reference for all commands).

If this is not what you meant, could you provide a bit more explanation as to what you are trying to do?

Hope this helps,
Jia Wang
Aqueous Solutions LLC



Hey Jia,

This makes more sense now. It appeared as though my scripts were not outputting plots and I assumed a function was required. Turns out it was a directory issue. My script is working properly now. 

Thank you!

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