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Internal error: transform_comp

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I am trying to incorporate Chemplugin into a python based groundwater flow model. As a starting point, I am having it recreate the Steam_2D.x2t script. However, when the program starts running I get:

Internal error: transform_comp: lost transform species

ChemPlugin abondoning calculation.

What is the meaning of this error? I believe I am putting the same basis species in each node, so it shouldn't be an inconsistency between nodes. Also, it doesn't seem like advancetransport or advancechemical are returning an error code.



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Hello Peter,

You can get this error if different sets of species are loaded in linked ChemPlugin instances. You can check if you are working from the same or name-compatible thermo datasets in each ChemPlugin instance and use the identical “span” commands to cause each to load the same species set.

Hope this helps,
Jia Wang
Aqueous Solutions LLC

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It turned out to be an typo in one of my initialization commands, so Ca wasn't being added as a basis species to some of the nodes. An appendix of error messages would be helpful for the ChemPlugin documentation.



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