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Reactive fluid migration through olivine with specified grain size, dimensions

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Hi GWB team,

I'm attempting to react a specified volume of fluid with a certain chemistry through a mass of olivine with a certain grain size over a year. I am able to do this using X1t, such that olivine dissolves into the fluid as the fluid migrates through. However, I'd like to essentially add more olivine as the initial olivine is dissolved away. Is there a way to do this? I played around with doing this in React - like the "Flush.rea" tutorial - however that does not let you specify grain size. Another example is this quartz aquifer one: https://academy.gwb.com/dissolution.php which is what I’m sort of aiming to do but I’d like to specify grain size of the aquifer.

As part of this experiment, I'm hoping to keep track of total olivine dissolved, total fluid passing through the system, and chemistry of that fluid. I've attached an initial script and database to give an idea of what I'm trying to do. Thanks for all the help!

thermo.presaltnov2017.dat forsterite_large_v1.x1t

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Thanks for attaching your input file. If you are only looking at one node, then I am not sure that you need a reactive transport modelling application as you have used here. X1t and X2t are set up to trace chemical reactions that occur over a region of space represented by a system of nodes. If this is the type of simulation that you're interested in, then you should build a reactive transport model. If you are only interested in reactions that are occurring in a single node, then you may want to consider using React. In React, you can just as easily add kinetic reactions to the flush model as you did in X1t. 
I also see that the specific surface area of forsterite is set to vary according to a random distribution. Since your X1t model has only one node, I am not really sure that it is very useful here. It might be more straightforward to set a constant specific surface area and vary that in different simulations. Just to note, the program does not factor grain size into the equilibrium or transport equations. For kinetic reactions, you can designate a specific surface area for the mineral of interest and that is taken into account for the kinetic dissolution/precipitation of that mineral. If you are using surface area as a proxy for grain size, that would be something that you need to consider carefully. 
You can find information regarding reactants under Reactant properties when you plot your results. React and X1t will both report the mass of minerals reacted, rate of reaction, and etc. You can find the pore volume displaced under the Physical parameters in the Gtplot or Xtplot.
Hope this helps,
Jia Wang
Aqueous Solutions LLC
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