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When developing pE-pH diagrams for Fe in Act2, when entering the activities for each species, such as the activity for Fe++, am I entering the activity for the ion Fe++ only (as derived from the analysis results from SpecE8 output) or do I need to add up all of the ferrous iron species activities developed in the SpecE8 output and place this total activity in Act2? 

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Hello Kevin,

Act2 makes calculations for analytical solutions to draw equilibrium lines to show predominant species of the highest activity. Therefore, you should be using the activity of the predominant Fe species in your system for Act2 calculation.
Perhaps you might also be interested in Phase2 if you are aiming to investigate a more complex set of reactions? Phase2 draws diagrams that may look similar to Act2 in many cases, but the calculation is a complete solution to the equations describing the distribution of mass, just like in SpecE8 and React. You constrain a fluid in terms of concentration, rather than activity and set up reaction pathways, like in React, along the x and y axis. Please visit the Phase2 webpage for information. 
Best regards,
Jia Wang
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