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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Symbol Display Issue


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I'm running into an issue with piper plots not displaying properly for non-GWB users when copying as an enhanced meta file into PowerPoint for editing. I've attached a screenshot of this here. Is there a good workaround for this that isn't (for example) using the snipping tool post editing?





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Hello Scott,

If you are pasting the plot as an enhanced metadata file, you can always select the option to embed fonts in Powerpoint before saving, so that the markers will display correctly even on computers without the GWB font. In most versions of Powerpoint, I believe it's under File tab -> Options -> Save tab in the left column, check Embed font.

Alternatively, if you don't need to manipulate the plot in Powerpoint, you can also export a plot in the "Save image..." dialog (File -> Same image...) and select a graphics format such as jpeg or png. You can also export in Postscript format and select "embed font" when doing so, the markers should show up correctly on computers without the GWB font.

Best regards,


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