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GWB 2021 is here!

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Dear GWB users,

We have good news to start the year: GWB 2021 is here! GWB 2021 brings SIT activity coefficients, an all new thermo data editor, the ability to import thermo datasets from PhreeqC, and much more!

Your GWB subscription will upgrade automatically within three days, or simply click “Check for updates” on the GWB dashboard.

Not subscribing yet? Take advantage of one of our flexible plans or upgrade that old GWB license to a modern subscription. Contact us today for a quote, or go shopping at our online store and you’ll be up and running in minutes. 


Brian Farrell
Aqueous Solutions LLC

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Hi Karen,

We put a lot of work into adding flexibility to thermo datasets and improving TEdit, but unfortunately we introduced a problem handling minerals that include tabs, rather than spaces, in their entry. Assuming you're using the same thermo dataset that you had trouble modifying previously, I've gone to your Na2EX2 and CaEX2 additions and simply replaced the tab characters between the name and type fields with spaces. If you have made more modifications, you can make a copy and replace the tabs with spaces by hand, or do it automatically with an editor like Notepad++ (go to Edit > Blank Operations > TAB to Space). That should take care of your problem while we work on a software fix. 

In the future, we'll be able to diagnose issues like this much more quickly if you actually provide example datasets and input files that demonstrate the problem. And we'll appreciate it if you can limit your comments to a single post, and understand that it takes time to see, read, work through, and respond to queries.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to rectify this issue.



Brian Farrell
Aqueous Solutions


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Hi Brian,

I figured it was something like this as the problem I had before was related to spaces or lack of spaces between some of my terms in my dummy minerals. Your colleague was really helpful finding this issue in my database. That said, I was so frustrated, I tried to re-install GWB 14 over the new updates and now I have no idea what version I have on my home computer. When I tried to run my x1t code, it started and then just "flashed out". That is, it was doing something and then just disappeared from view. This suggests that it probably crashed. So now I have made another problem for myself by trying to go back to the GWB 14. I am not sure what to do. I may need to re-install the new version, but no idea where to start with that.

I never use the TEdit thing because when I started using GWB back in 2007, it did not exist. It is relatively simple to go in an edit databases and save them as new databases using a text editor like Notepad, which is what I usually use. I have built a number of new databases over the year to allow us to model thiotungstate speciation, thioarsenic species, and lanthanide speciation in waters. I have also built a number of surface complexation databases as well.


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Hi Karen,

We've made a fix to the problem you've encountered. Please download and install this "release candidate" and try using your customized thermo dataset.

15.0.1rc1 installer

I don't know why X1t would crash for you, but if it happens again you might try reinstalling and restarting your computer. And you can also try recompiling your rate law function after reinstalling 15.0.1rc1.

Please let us know if you have any more issues and we'll work to fix them as soon as possible.


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  • 2 months later...

Hello Johan,

The release candidate is a fix to the issue of dataset opening incorrectly if the file contains tab characters. If this is the issue you're experiencing, the release candidate should be a good fix for you. We do not have another release update to GWB 2021 currently. If the release candidate didn't resolve your issue, please attach your thermo dataset or send it to support@gwb.com so we can take a closer look at the issue. Please also include screenshots of any error messages you encountered. 

Best regards,

Jia Wang
Aqueous Solutions

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  • 5 months later...

Hello Karen, Johan,

I want to let you know that this issue has been fixed with the release of GWB 15.0.1 for all GWB subscribers. Existing 15.0.0 installations should automatically update if auto-update is enabled. If disabled, you can update your installation under the Help menu in any GWB app.  
Best regards,
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there - 

I am having trouble installing the new update (v.15.01) for GWB Community Edition 2021. I was notified by my prior version (v.15.00) that the update was released, and I dully downloaded it. Prior to the installation, I uninstalled v.15.00 per the GWB instructions. However, now whenever I try to do the install for v.15.01, I get the following error:

Error opening file for writing:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GWB\Act2_scat.txt

The installation is unable to proceed beyond this point. When presented with the options Abort / Retry / Ignore, and I select Ignore, I get the same error repeated for GTplot_scat.txt, Tact_scat.txt, Act2.ac2, etc. I get a new file name every time I click Ignore, and I gave up at 20 times (e.g., 20 different files... which seems like the error is propagating across the whole directory of files).

I am trying the installation using my administrative privileges which allow me to do other software installations, so I am befuddled with what I'm doing wrong. I've tried both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions, and I get the same error both times. Has anyone else seen this issue?

Thanks for whatever help you can provide,

-Jason Addison

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Hello Jason,

I am sorry to hear you're having issues with the installation of the new update. That error typically means the file that the installer is trying to write to is in use by another application or anti-virus software. Please try installing again after rebooting your computer. If you still encounter the same errors, try disabling any anti-virus type software briefly and run the installation again. 

Hope this helps,

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